This site is dedicated to those who take on challenges big or small.
Milk challenge?
Best one rep max?
Of course!
Contact A. Fortino to add a challenge or to get your name in the record books.

The Challengers
Better than the rest!
Only the top 3 with proof will be posted.
You must have a witness or a video for proof.

Most calories burned on a stair climber
No time limit....grind it out!
Ryan Stoddard - 1064 Cals
Hailey Scola - 764 Cals
Chris Hansen - 601 Cals

Geared Up Pull Ups
Put your turnout gear on & go on air.
***No gloves
Franky Palmer - 10 Reps

Tyson Neck: for time
Lay on your back, lift your head a couple inches off the ground and hold until fail for time.
Jesse Samide - 07:42
Adam Fortino - 06:30
Niko Fortino -05:39

Fast Finger
Press start and pause on your iPhone or Apple Watch timer as fast as you can. must only use one finger.
#1 - Daniel Jensen - 00:00:03 W
#2 - Justin Grey - 00:00:04 W
#3 - Adam Fortino - 00:00:06 W
#1 - Eric Yousef - 00:00:06 P
#1 - Franky Palmer - 00:00:06 P
#1 - Adam Fortino - 00:00:06 P
W = Apple Watch
P = iPhone

Standing with heels against the wall, touch the ground and come back up
Must not move your feet
Many have attempted it, only one
has a W!
Sunny Johnson-Gutter

100 burpees for time

Most calories burned on the assault bike (Airdyne) in
00:30 seconds
Who is ready to have a bad rest of your day!
Niko Fortino - 31 cal in 00:25 seconds!

Longest Time of Juggling
3 items of your choosing
Jason Vogeli - 03:55 seconds​
Nick Roher - 01:07 seconds
Ryan Stoddard- 00:36 seconds

Stack 10 Rolls of Toilet Paper for Time
Must be one tower.
You must start tower on clean surface.
You may only use one hand at a time.
Tower must stand on its own, unassisted for 5 seconds.
Franky Palmer - 00:03.36 seconds
Eric Yousef - 00:03:69 seconds
Jason Vogeli - 00:03.97 seconds

Most Consecutive:
Coin Flips
Lets see your submissions!
Lauren Ricioppi - 7
Audrey Romo - 5
Adam Fortino - 4
Scott Woodfin Jr. - 10
Lauren Rocioppi - 8
Audrey Romo - 6

Cinnamon Challenge
John Preston
John describes himself as having a very "wet mouth".

Santas Helpers
2014 -
2015 - Steve Lindsey
2016 -
2017 - Adam Fortino
2018 - Adam Fortino
2019 - Jonah Peters
2020 - No in-station party
2021 -
2022 -
2023 - Sam Muzzi
2024 - Niko Souza
This in an honor.
Each Santa gets to name their predecessor!

Golf: Longest Drive
Daniel Jensen - 397 yards
Colin Frazer - 301 yards

STAR Testing:
For Time
Annual Test
1-D. Slezak - 9:15
2-M. Muzzi - 9:35
3-D. Fortino - 9:43

STAR Testing:
Consumption Rate
Annual Test
1-A. Romo - 121
2-S. Yarbrough - 123
3-B. StIrm - 129

Gallon of Milk Challenge
No completions YET!
VIP for attempts:
J. Preston X3
E. Heller

1,000 Pound Club
Lifts: Bench/Squat/Deadlift
#1- N.Fortino (1,265)
#2 -
#3 -

One Rep Max: Bench
Lets see your submissions!
#1 - N. Fortino - 345lbs
#1 - Chad Gaser - 325lbs
#3 - Patrick Joyner 315lbs

% against body weight: Bench
Lets see your submissions!

Antoine's Cookie Eating: For Time
-NO water.
-Cookie must start on the table.
-Time starts when you touch the cookie.
-Time ends when you have NO MORE cookie in your mouth, not even just chocolate.
Adam Fortino - 00:32:55
Lauren Racioppi - 00:33:67
Scott Bingham - 00:40:95

225lbs Max Reps
Lets see your submissions!
Niko Fortino - 18 Reps
Patrick Joyner - 13 Reps
Colin Fraser - 11 Reps

Most Consecutive:
Free Throw Shots
Lets see your submissions!
Niko Fortino - 11
Eric Yousef - 10
Franky Palmer - 8

One Rep Max: Squat
Lets see your submissions!
#1 - N. Fortino - 415lbs

Raw Quail Egg Challenge
Chris Hanson with 16 whole raw eggs!
This was 16 whole quail eggs... shell and all!

One Rep Max: Deadlift
Lets see your submissions!
#1 - N. Fortino - 505lbs

40 yard sprint
Lets see your submissions!
Ricky Lais - 4.77 seconds
Niko Sousa - 4.85 seconds
Daniel Jensen - 5.18 seconds

Biggest Biceps
Lets see your submissions!
Dylan DeCaris - 19.5 inches
Daniel Jensen - 18.2 inches
Niko Fortino - 17.5 inches

Longest Hike
John Preston
John hiked 706 MILES in 32 days!
He did as a fight against first responder and military suicide.
This record will go down in history!

Palm Down Club
Feet together, knees locked, bend over and be able to put your hands flat on the ground.
Jason Vogeli
Lauren Ricioppi
Adam Fortino
Audrey Romo
Franky Palmer
Justin Grey
Mathew Dariano

Longest Broad Jump
Measure from your toes to your heels.
Franky Palmer - 105.5 inches

60 Cloves of Roasted Garlic for time
Sam Muzzi - 4:30 min

Fastest Mile Time
Lets see your submissions!
Doug Slezak - 5:17
Justin Grey - 6:12
Adam King - 7:18

Push up Challenge
Lets see your submissions!
Adam Fortino - 103 reps

One Minute Hang Club
Part 1
Time starts when your feet leave the ground and ends when they hit the ground again.
Collin Fraser
Nick Rohrer
Hunter Cole
Jason Vogeli
Angela Chi
Ricky Lais
Audrey Romo
Niko Fortino
Mark Muzzi Jr
Adam Fortino

One Minute Hang Club
Part 2
Time starts when your feet leave the ground and ends when they hit the ground again.
Scott Bingham
Sunny Johnson-Gutter
Justin Grey
Mathew Dariano

Longest Hang Time
Time starts when your feet leave the ground and ends when they hit the ground again.
Scott Bingham - 3;04
Ricky Lais - 2:07
Erick Hayes - 2:00

Most Pull Ups in 1 Set
Lets see your submissions!
Grip must match the photo
Franky Palmer - 26 Reps
Niko Sousa - 25 Reps
Niko Fortino - 10 Reps
H. Scola - 12 Reps

Longest Field Goal
Brandon Stirm
54 Yards for the all time PAFD record!
Niko Fortino - 30 yards
Adam Fortino - 30 yards

Fastest Shuttle Run
Franky Palmer - 4.44 seconds

Most Calls in 24 Hours
Engine and Van
0800 - 0800 (One shift)
Van -
14 calls on M64
(D. DeCaris, M. Northup)
Engine - March 14, 2023
18 Calls on E61
K. Alarid, M Goglio, E. Yousef

Longest Game of Catch
May not loose contact with the ball unless to toss it.
Any ball works.
Must be played online and on duty.

Most Consecutive Cartwheels
No breaks, be the "cart-wheel"
Audrey Romo - 13
Adam Fortino - 12
Mark Muzzi Jr - 10

Longest Time Standing on One Leg
This must be unassisted,
Movement or Adjustment is accepted.
Audrey Romo - 34:10
-She did that like it was nothing!

MURPH for time:
Lets see what you got!
Niko Fortino - 40:57